Digital marketing is also known as Online Marketing, Web Marketing, and Internet Marketing. The term was coined in the 1990s.

Digital Marketing.
Digital Marketing

Digital marketing refers to advertising and promoting your brand, product, and services and connecting with potential consumers using different digital channels, such as:-

  1. Search Engine
  2. Email
  3. Website
  4. Social Media
  5. Web-based Ads
  6. Mobile Apps
  7. Text Messages

In short, If a marketing campaign is done through any of the above online media channels, it will be considered under digital marketing.

Types of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing utilizes a scope of techniques to arrive at clients, whether the point is to entice them into making a buy, increment their image mindfulness, or just draw in with your image.

Digital Marketing can be divided into mainly 8 categories:-

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  3. Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  4. Content Marketing
  5. Inbound Marketing
  6. Email Marketing
  7. Affiliate Marketing
  8. Website Marketing

The major advantage of digital marketing is that the marketers can sell the product or service 24 hours, 365 days, with lower cost, and maximum efficiency, with a vast reach to the customer base.

Today, a total of 5.08 million people use the internet globally which is equivalent to 63.5% of the world population. Internet users are growing rapidly across the globe. Countries like India and china has the highest number of Internet user in the world.

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